Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Looking back at the Young Arrows Children's Day Celebrations

Praise be to God! He was there throughout the Young Arrows Children’s Day celebration we had on the 30th of September. Before and throughout the event, He was there as usual with His watchful eyes and His bountiful blessings to ensure the success of the celebrations.

Before it started, we gathered at Sylvia’s house at staggered timings to prepare food and rehearse a skit we had prepared for the kids.

When it was time to go to Mountbatten CC, it started to drizzle before it subsequently developed into a downpour! We also waited for a taxi but as the minutes ticked by and none came, we had a feeling of déjà vu since normally at that time and location, many taxis would be available.

When we finally got to the CC and prepared for the event, the downpour showed no sign of subsiding. Some of us began to doubt the number of children that will turn up.

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But lo and behold! When it was quarter past two, parents and guardians with their kids in tow began to stream in. It soon progressed into a flood until we had over 50 kids in the homecraft room with newcomers comprising of three-quarters of the numbers. Soon, our supply of door gifts quickly diminished.

The miracles didn’t stop there. As young volunteers, we were all faced with the challenge of entertaining and getting the attention of kids intent on running around amidst the babbling and screaming of overly-excited kids adjusting to a strange new environment.

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The situation remained under control as the ice-breakers was followed by the allocation of the kids into their respective groups for the games session. Divided into an assortment of game stations such as hop-skotch bunny, marbles and web soccer, the kids were visibly entertained as they were also encouraged to work as a team and be mindful of their own teammates.

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Once the games ended, the children and their minders were treated to a feast with the likes of beehoon, sandwiches, nuggets and soft drinks.

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The celebrations ended on a humourous note when several of the Young Arrows helpers performed the skit in which the kids were taught the importance of good manners in their speech when caught in sticky scenarios. For that short period of 15 minutes, these helpers became kids again as the children watched and laughed at the absurdity of their actions.

Eventually, the children left with their parents after our warm invitation to them to return on the following weekends with promises to spice up even more their Saturday afternoons.

Looking back at the event, no matter how much effort we put in against the resistance of the evil one, we would have come up short without the promises of God. But one thing is clear that we learnt from the celebrations: God loves children and He certainly loves people who have the heart for these children.

As such, we will keep praying for Young Arrows to expand and for more young volunteers to take up the ante of assisting with Young Arrows.

Written by:
Kenny Tan
(Josh’s 12)


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