Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Racing beyond boundaries in His name

The month of August is packed with races! It was filled with physical challenges, boundaries to overcome and intense preparations to ready me for pain and fatigue.

I started off my first week with a Ngee Ann Polytechnic running event which saw representatives of the numerous CCA groups competing against one another. The snag about this race was that I was only told only a day before by the President of the triathlon school team (TriElites) that I was competing, thus having only a day to adapt and get myself prepared. With God’s grace and strength, my team finished second in the race. This must be a miracle because this is the first race we have ever competed in and we were the underdogs since the TriElites was officially recognised by the school only recently and our fellow competitors were faster and bigger than us. This reminded me of how David fought the Goliath!

In the second week of August, the NUS Triathlon saw many people from our network participating, many of them being first-timers. It was very motivating to see them getting ready and training hard for it. What further encouraged me was that there was a non-believer cycling among us. His name is Lance. My team which was aptly named “Pain 4 Christ”, came in 5th overall while my run time was the second fastest among the runners from the other teams.

The third week saw us competing in the New Balance Real Run. This is by far the most difficult race I have ever participated in because I have never been exposed to running on a sandy terrain before and I had to go against seasoned runners from the Singapore Sports School and other cross country teams. I did my best for my race although I could not bring back anything to Him but I know that He certainly sees in me my raging desire to glorify him. But what was great on that day was not just the race and the participation of several Livingstones brothers and sisters but also the presence of our non-believing friends. For this race alone, we reached out to about 20 non-believers, of which some turned up for the race.

Through the continuous receiving of blessings of strength, we are able to glorify Him greatly as one family but what was even better was that we are able to use such activities to relate to the non-believers whom we plan to invite to church. I pray for their Salvation!

On behalf of all of the participants for these races, I thank everyone who has been supporting and praying for us.

Written by:
Sky Kwah Wenyao
Josh’s 12


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