Monday, April 24, 2006

15th April Livingstones Good Friday Harvest Event

One week ago on the 15th of April, Livingstones organized a Harvest event held at MagicBox as part of our Good Friday celebration. We were asked to invite and bring our non-believing friends to join in the celebration.

There was plenty of food catered that night. Amidst the mouth-watering food available, we could not get the food for ourselves but we had to serve others first, especially those who have not had their dinner yet. This small but significant gesture is one of the many ways we can show our love to our friends.

That night, MagicBox resembled a mini-funfair. It was decorated with an assortment of banners each carrying a specific message. Not to mention the game corners set up whereby participants got to try their hands on darts and play a peculiar game of blowing feathers over a certain distance with our breath. The purpose of the games was to educate us that just as it was difficult to score a bull’s eye on the dartboard and blow the feathers over the required line in order to get a prize, it is the same with God’s standard for all of us: no matter who we are, all of us still fall short of the glory of God.

Ezra and his well-tuned band led the worship session. Apart from a few familiar songs, the band even played Ezra’s self-penned title “Life to the Cross” whose tunes were melodious and energetic. All the while, the crowd danced and clapped through the session. After that, there was a movie shown on one young man’s journey to Christ through his encounter with his best friend who introduced him to a friend of his, who is none other than Jesus Christ Himself.

While watching the show, I told Jesus,” Lord, thank you for Your sacrifice. How I wish that I could share the pain with You.” And He replied, “No son! It is too unbearable for you. Now that you have been cleansed, you have no more sins.” I was so touched by this.

Those who believe in Him will have eternal life. Until now, the movie’s message: “Don’t forget my friend’s love”, still resonates within me. After watching it, I know that all of us were guilty of sin in our lives but God will always give us a new beginning. He is a God of second chances.

“No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' because they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest," declares the Lord. "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." - Jeremiah 31:34

As the bible clearly states, those who believe in Him will be saved. Indeed, God will be happy to give a new beginning to our non-believing friends and loved ones.

Written by:
Flavian Kow
Julian’s 12


At April 25, 2006 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wah...didnt noe tt ur english is so good...or is it sm1 edit for u? haha...

bel bel


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