Friday, February 24, 2006

Jocelyn Tay's Baptism

Hi, I’m Jocelyn, currently studying in Temasek Poly. I have been looking forward to my baptism today and may my simple sharing of God’s reality in my life encourage you.

When I was 13, I was just like any other secondary school student leading a superficial life. I got to know Pastor Lawrence, a counselor at my school and Karen when I hung around in the pastoral care room. I knew nothing about Christianity until Karen invited me to her church, where I got to meet Meijin (my existing cell group leader) and my cell members. Coming from a family of free-thinkers, I didn’t really believe in God, I believed only in myself. I felt obligated each time I went to church. Soon after, other commitments were piling up and I stopped going to church because it was not one of my priorities.

The following year, when I was in Secondary 2, Pastor Lawrence led me to accept Christ and I was so glad I did! However, the excitement of being a Christian did not last for long as for the next few years, I carried on with my “God-less” life which of course, was not smooth-sailing. When I met with a setback, I would indulge in self-pity or vent my anger on someone. There wasn’t anyone I could turn to, and sometimes I really felt that life was totally meaningless.

When I went to poly, I had classmates who were Christians and they often talked about church and the gospel, and somehow I just felt like going to church again, though I was worried if people would question my faith, and whether I was welcomed back again. But I guess God really makes everything beautiful in His time and He still welcomes me. Thank God.

Last year, around June or July, I rededicated my life to the Lord during one of the service at TCT. Praise God for that!I began to attend church every week, with faith and anticipation to listen to God’s word. I prayed every night and it was so miraculously that my prayers would always be answered. Not only that, God has given me a chance to bond with my cell members. I can get along well with everyone so quickly. I recognize that my cellgroup is a place I can grow, a place where I can be a blessing to the people around me.

Since then, God has made many wonderful changes in my life. My life was no longer empty, because His love for me has filled it. And He gave me wisdom in making decisions and He blessed every friendship I had. And most importantly, because of Him, my parents understand the need for me to go church and even gave me their blessings for my baptism! I thank God too that they are here to witness this significant moment in my life today.

After encounter camp, I was convicted to be baptized, as it is a commandment of God. However, I was bugged with the fear of my parents disagreeing. So with me being here today, it’s a testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness that He hears our prayers!

Everything in life has been just so wonderful with God that I will appreciate every day because it is a gift from God. I’m filled with so much faith and hope as I know the Lord is with me. He has taught me that though we live in this world, we should not be OF the world, and do things that do not glorify his Name.

As I get baptized today with my sins washed away, I thank God for all the wonderful things that have happened to me in such a short period of time. I must be truly blessed to be able to receive the many gifts of the Lord. I would like to thank my cell, Meijin, Karen, Pastor Lawrence and Pastor Fei Fei for supporting me through my spiritual walk with God and most importantly, I thank the awesome Lord who is with us.

Written by: Jocelyn Tay, Meijin's 12

Monday, February 20, 2006

My Tabernacle Encounter

The Tabernacle is where God beckons us to draw near. Each individual’s encounter with God is a unique and intimate experience that demonstrates the love and all-encompassing compassion God has for each one of us. Allow me to share with you about a revelation I received as I knelt before the Golden Lampstand.

I was walking down a dark, deserted corridor with the shroud of a mist rendering my vision a perfect blur. The walls of the corridor were constructed with stones, like the innards of a castle, cold and clammy to the touch of my hand. I was carrying a smaller version of the Golden Lampstand, using the brilliant flames from the lighted candles mounted on its seven flat bowls to illuminate the path ahead.

I felt a slight breeze brush against my face. It soon culminated into a gale, which grew stronger by the minute. I took my steps hesitatingly, unsure of whether I should continue. The flames on the lampstand flickered and as the wind intensified, two of the candles were extinguished and it suddenly appeared darker around me. I became afraid as the darkness beckoned ahead.

At that moment, as I turned to look at the remaining candles on the lampstand, I noticed that they continued to be ablaze with the same scintillating brightness from the start. I had less light to guide me but it was sufficient for me to see my immediate surroundings. Braving the unrelenting wind and the menacing darkness, I continued my journey down the corridor, clutching tightly to the lampstand.

The corridor symbolizes the passage of our lives and the darkness and mist, the constant uncertainty that we have for the future. The stone walls portray the brazen and hardened nature of the real world which lack the warmth derived from God’s love. The lampstand with the burning candles signifies Jesus as the Light of the world. The wind is a reminder of the numerous difficulties and setbacks we encounter in our lives.

More often than not, life can be a cold and lonely journey and we always fear for our future. Sometimes, we experience turmoil in our lives and in the midst of our struggles, we may feel that God’s guiding light has diminished or is totally absent. We may succumb to fear, feel a sense of loss and even depression. However, God wants to tell us that no matter who we are and what we encounter in life, he will always be the light that shines with the same exuberance. He walks with us through the ups and downs in our lives. The God we pray to today will always be the same loving and compassionate God we honour tomorrow.

“He is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth.” 2 Samuel 23:4

May He always be the Light of the world, our greatest source of strength and wisdom. Praise be to God!

Written by:
Kenny Tan
Joshua's 12

WOS Day 1: Gathering - The Bride of Christ


The first of Youthnet’s four night gathering at the Touch chapel auditorium brought with it many of our youths, coming in anticipation of what God’s word will be for us at this year’s Sanctification week. Judging from the turnout, the commercial value of Valentine’s Day proved to be no competition to what was in store at the gathering. Worship allowed us our own Valentine’s Day expression of love to God. We were reminded that our expression of love to God in this manner of gathering was indeed pleasing in God’s eyes, like the bride of Christ.


Pastor Eugene then opened the session with a personal sharing of his anticipation for Sanctification week. He shared that part of this annual event is letting God deal with issues in the family. Therefore, he said that the week brought about “a sense of great expectation and yet a sense of fear”. In that same spirit of surrender and faith, we invited the Lord’s presence with the voices of his sons and daughters lifting up the song You are welcome.The message for the night on holiness was preached by Pastor Eugene. This fittingly tied in with Sunday’s sermon on corporate holiness and emphasized the weight of the word that God wanted us to receive.


We were reminded that our first instruction from God was to be holy as He said in Leviticus 19:2 “Be holy because I the Lord your God am holy”. Without the need for further inadequate definitions, God is therefore the definition of holiness.

In the message, personal and corporate holiness were reiterated. We were told to be mindful of our corporate attitude and culture in order to ensure alertness, readiness and watchfulness amongst us. Corporate worship and celebration was another aspect highlighted to ensure that our passion fires on, creating eagerness, excitement and a longing for God. Lastly, we were commanded to be submissive, willing and obedient in pleasing God through corporate mission and commission. The message was evidently one from God that meant to teach Youthnet about not just being a family, but one that would be strengthened in holiness.


Armed with the knowledge of holiness, it would still be unachievable by our own strength without the cover of the cross. Not wanting to merely receive the word intellectually, the family knelt together before the cross, seeking not for redemption that had already been given but for a revelation of the cross. We wanted to take home more than a message but a sense of the sacrifice that was made in return for our lives.

The air was thick with the presence of God as the Holy Spirit moved amongst us, touching each individual in a different manner. Some cried with repentance and gratefulness, some had a silent, private dialogue with God and others had a supernatural experience with God then and there. In various ways, many of us had a revelation of the cross at the Touch Chapel and began to understand what Pastor Eugene meant when he said that “We will not understand the immensity of grace until we understand the severity of sin in our lives.”


Through this experience, we were reminded “take up the cross daily” (Luke 9:23) because of the significance of the cross. Through the session, we were all thus made more aware of the condition of our own lives and that of the spiritual family so as to be prepared for the following nights’ sessions of training, sending and celebration.

Written by:
Jerrine Chia, Pastor FeiFei's 12

Monday, February 06, 2006

Livingstones 24 Reunion Dinner

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What happens when you put together a group of off-duty leaders from Livingstones? Well, you get a group of seemingly unruly, young adults with corny jokes and occasional outbursts of noises meant to pass off as laughter (with courtesy of Quanwei and Pauleon).

Since its Chinese New year, what better time than this to gorge ourselves and find a reason to gather together in this fashion once again.

This year's reunion dinner was held on the eighth day of the season so it was belated. However, it was not overlooked. Being the dedicated cell leaders that we are (this being said with a tinge of cheek albeit a little lack of modesty); our dinner could only officially begin when our cell groups ended to allow us to travel down from the east of the island to the west.

This is an opportune time for a short excerpt to advertise our humble reunion dinner locale at the coffeeshop across from Queenstown station. In addition, we have to appreciate the hospitality given by Lawrence, a fellow church member and host for the evening.
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Getting back to the events of the night, upon arrival, while some started the evening by fighting to be on the table with less heavy-duty eaters, others had to sadly surrender to Pastor's agenda on seat allocation.

The reunion dinner thus began with the traditional lo hei. Everyone stuck their own chopsticks into the mix and packed around a table barely comfortable for ten. We all then tossed the Chinese salad vehemently shouting whatever blessings or gibberish that came to mind. This left more salad on the table than in our systems but nonetheless, we enjoyed the process. The dishes that followed came fast and closely behind one another, providing for a substantial meal and a good time of gathering together.

With all the food being eaten, conversations being shared and pictures being taken, our reunion dinner, like all things, had to end. However, this will not be our last supper as Livingstones' leaders and perhaps the next round, those who were unable to join us will be there to add to the joy of our gathering. Meanwhile, may the remaining days of the season bring a blessed Chinese new year.

Written by:
Jerrine Chia, Pastor FeiFei's 12