TCS Take the City Walk: Child-likeness featuring Keith =)

Had a walkathon this morning. God blessed us with good weather, it wasn't too hot nor raining. The ground was muddy in Padang though, and Keith and Darren (the twins in Tampines Club) were making a fussy over it..haha... I was holding on to Keith as we were making our way to sector B. Then when it was time to set out, i was carrying him over the mud. Then becoz his sandals was dirtied with mud, he was so unwilling to walk. Then he was walking on his heels.. hehe... Soon after i was accompanying him and encouraging him to just walk on.
Just as we reached esplanade, his young and curious mind starting to question. Why are there so many triangles in esplanade? How to build it? Why are there no squares? haha... so i started to explore with him the answers to his questions. And suddenly he popped a question: Is there God? That was the most interesting question that he has asked. From then on, he was asking me many many questions (i guess more than 50 questions haha..) about God, his creations, Jesus, Heaven and Hell... Every question I answered, it expanded his mind to question more! He is amazing! It is amazing that i was able to answer every of his question, of coz I told him "I dunno" for questions that i got no idea. His child-likeness really warms my heart. Although he has many questions, but when he heard the answers, he will accept it and take it as a new lesson that he has learnt! Many times we have become too smart for our own good... I really pray for such childlike faith!
Just as we reached esplanade, his young and curious mind starting to question. Why are there so many triangles in esplanade? How to build it? Why are there no squares? haha... so i started to explore with him the answers to his questions. And suddenly he popped a question: Is there God? That was the most interesting question that he has asked. From then on, he was asking me many many questions (i guess more than 50 questions haha..) about God, his creations, Jesus, Heaven and Hell... Every question I answered, it expanded his mind to question more! He is amazing! It is amazing that i was able to answer every of his question, of coz I told him "I dunno" for questions that i got no idea. His child-likeness really warms my heart. Although he has many questions, but when he heard the answers, he will accept it and take it as a new lesson that he has learnt! Many times we have become too smart for our own good... I really pray for such childlike faith!

Keith is one of the naughtier boy in club. He usually doesn't respond to me. Whenever I caught him doing something wrong, he will also struggle and try to avoid me. But today, he was sticking to me the entire outing and always having a question to ask me. Then when i need to attend to somebody, he actually asked another volunteer, who overheard our conversation and joined in, "How come Vivien jie-jie know so much things?" Hahaha... I asked him if he wanted to know Jesus, he shrugged his shoulder. Then I asked him if he wants to go heaven, he said yes! He was aware how to get the passport to heaven after the discussion. Suddenly, I see him as a little angel; I really have the compassion for him. I really pray and hope that Keith will be transformed, and his parents can see the change in him! He now is aware that whenever he does bad things, Satan will be happy and whenever he does good things, God is happy. And immediately he was more aware of his behaviour and he tried to "resist" the devil. He was more well-behaved.
When we finally finished the walk, we went back to the bus immediately as we were late. Then I included him into the 100k blessings together with his other twin. And he was happy and seem to understand the options. I asked if he wants to talk to God. He said yes! =D

After we arrived at the club, we waited for the rain to lighten. And when it was time for the boys and his mum to go home, I said goodbye to them and see them next week. Then Keith actually turned back to me and said, "See you tmr! Just kidding! hehe... See u next week!" Can't take it man! So cute lah! Hopefully when i see him next week he will continue to rmb our discussion and not be tempted by the evil ones to be naughty. Really don't know how long will he rmb... But shall continue to pray!
Thank you LORD for using me as an instrument to teach Keith and other kids. Protect them and watch over them. May their childlike faith lead them to your miracles!
In Jesus' Name,
"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity" 1 Tim 4:12
Vivien Po,
Ps Fei Fei's 12