Saturday, March 31, 2007

Coming Soon

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Praise and Thanksgiving

Wow, time really flies. I was preparing to fly to Perth like 8 months ago and now I’m preparing to fly back again after spending about 3 months plus back in Singapore.

Times in Singapore for the past 3 months plus was really great. I spent wonderful times with my cell, my family and my Livingstones family. Guess I really miss them a lot when I was in Perth for 6 months plus. They never really changed much except for Pam’s hair hahaha and as before, they still like to crap a lot and lame a lot though they can still walk. =P

Well, I must admit my time in Perth wasn’t that great. Guess I’m someone who needs more time to get use to the environment over there. And then when I came back to Singapore, it was like charging myself up, preparing myself once more before going back to Perth.

Just before Christmas last year, we were in Muar with Ps Lawrence and Ps Fei Fei and some of the Livingstones mates for a retreat. And God’s presence was strong. The most impactful moment when I was spending my time in Muar with God was when God spoke to me through the story of Jesus asking Peter 3 times whether he loves Him or not? And then God showed me that if I love Jesus, I would be taking care of His sheep – I would be reaching out to His lost sheep (my friends). And yes it indeeds coincide with the book Alvin bought for my cell. It’s called “Out of the saltshaker” – an evangelism book. And this is a year of victory and a victory to win our friends to Christ. Well, I strongly believe that this year, many of our friends will come to know the Lord. Amen!

And there was another session with Pastors in Muar. God was showing me…if I’m a person who likes challenges (which I do), why am I not conquering the greatest challenge that I have? And the greatest challenge is living a Christian life. Well, I guess everyone agree that living a Christian life is tough eh. It’s a challenge. Yup, so I shall strive my best to conquer this big challenge.

And now it’s a time of thanksgiving.

Firstly, just wanna thank God for Pastor Lawrence to came up with the daily devotion (or bible study) thingy which kind of discipline myself to follow what verse to read on a daily basis as it prepared myself spiritually before flying back to Perth. This is a year of victory and like what my spiritual dad said, “This is a year of victory, which means we are expecting battles ahead in the year.” It’s true. Victory comes with battles. Yes. Spiritual battles. And I guess when I go back to Perth, when my friends asked me about Christianity or confronting Christianity, I will be well prepared to defend my relationship with Him.

And then I wanna thank God for Junming who is teaching me music theory. Well guess God is preparing me to serve in Pastor Benny Ho’s church worship band with the two assurances from God through Junming and Boonbing. And I will remember the Kairos timing – God’s timing. I will not miss it. =p

Amen that God brings victory in this year as I can see my cell group growing with a new member by the name of Justyn. *Clap clap clap =) And I believe that God will continue to bless this “lame and yet can walk cell” led by Alvin, with more members.

Lastly, wanna leave with you all this verse:
“Do not long for the cover of night, for that is when people will be destroyed. Be on guard! Turn from evil, for it was to prevent you from getting into a life of evil that God sent this suffering.”
- Job 36:20-21 (NLT)

Yes. “Be on guard!” A year of victory is also a year of battles. Victory comes with battles. Spiritual battles. But by the end of this year, we will win the battles because God is our strength. Amen!

Alvin's 12